6.2 Communication channels

Koupleless Communication channels

Koupleless provides the following communication channels for collaboration and interaction. Feel free to join us to share, use, and benefit together:

Koupleless Community Communication and Collaboration DingTalk Group: 24970018417

If you are interested in Koupleless, have a preliminary intention to use Koupleless, are already a user of Koupleless / SOFAArk, or are interested in becoming a community contributor, you are welcome to join this DingTalk group to communicate, discuss, and contribute code together at any time.
Koupleless 用户钉钉群二维码

Koupleless WeChat Group

Koupleless 用户微信群二维码
If you are interested in Koupleless, have preliminary intentions to use Koupleless, or are already a user of Koupleless / SOFAArk, you are welcome to join this WeChat group to discuss and communicate anytime, anywhere.

Community Bi-weekly Meeting

Community Meeting Every Two Weeks on Tuesday Evening from 19:30 to 20:30, The next community bi-weekly meeting will be held on November 28, 2023, from 19:30 to 20:30. Everyone is welcome to actively participate, either by listening or joining the discussion. The meeting will be conducted via DingTalk.Please find the joining details for the DingTalk meeting below:
Meeting Link: https://meeting.dingtalk.com/dialin/?corpId=dingd8e1123006514592
DingTalk Meeting ID: 90957500367
Dial-in Numbers: 057128095818 (Mainland China)、02162681677 (Mainland China)
You can also follow the community DingTalk collaboration group (Group ID: 24970018417) for specific meeting updates.

The community PMC component members’ iteration planning meeting will be held on the last Monday of each month, discussing and finalizing the requirements planning for the next month.