6.1 The philosophy of openness and inclusivity

The mission and vision of Koupleless

Core Values

The core values of the Koupleless community are “openness” and “inclusivity”。All users and developers in the community are treated as equals, as reflected in the following aspects:

  1. The community follows the operating model of Apache open-source projects. Anyone who contributes to the community, especially those who contribute non-code contributions (such as documentation, website, issue replies, advocacy, development suggestions, etc.), are considered contributors and have the opportunity to become committers or even PMC (Project Management Committee) members of the community.

  2. All OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), roadmaps, discussions, meetings, technical solutions, etc., are completely open. Everyone can see and participate in them. The community listens and considers all suggestions and opinions, and once adopted, ensures execution and implementation. We encourage everyone to participate in the Koupleless community with an open mind and a spirit of seeking common ground while respecting differences.

  3. The community is not limited by geographical boundaries or nationality. All source code must be commented in English to ensure understanding by everyone, and the official website is bilingual in both Chinese and English. All WeChat groups, DingTalk groups, and GitHub issue discussions can be conducted in both Chinese and English. However, since we currently focus mainly on Chinese users, most of the documentation is only available in Chinese for now, but we plan to provide English versions in the future.

2023 OKRs

O1 Build a healthy and influential Serverless open-source product community

KR1 Add 10 new contributors, increase OpenRank index to > 15 (currently 5), and activity level to > 50 (currently 44)

KR1.1 Conduct 5 advocacy events and 5 article shares, reaching out to 200 enterprises and engaging in-depth with 30+ enterprises.
KR1.2 Establish a complete community collaboration mechanism (including issue management, documentation, problem response, training, and promotion mechanisms), release 2+ training courses and product manuals, and enable developers to onboard within a week with a development throughput of 20+ issues/week.

KR2 Onboard 5 new enterprises to production or complete pilot integration (currently 1), with 3 enterprises participating in the community

KR2.1 Produce initial industry analysis reports to identify key enterprise targets for different scenarios.
KR2.2 Onboard 5 enterprises to production or complete pilot integration, with 3 enterprises participating in the community, covering 3 scenarios and documenting 3+ user cases.

O2 Develop advanced and cost-effective solutions for cost reduction and efficiency improvement

KR1 Implement modular technology to reduce machines by 30%, deployment verification time to 30 seconds, and increase delivery efficiency by 50%

KR1.1 Establish a 1-minute rapid trial platform with comprehensive documentation, website, and support, enabling users to complete module decomposition in 10 minutes.
KR1.2 Complete governance of 20 middleware and third-party packages, and establish multi-application and hot-unloading evaluation and automatic detection standards.
KR1.3 Reduce hot deployment startup time to the 10-second level, reduce resource consumption by 30% for multiple modules, and increase user delivery efficiency by 50%.
KR1.4 Launch the open-source version of Arklet, supporting SOFABoot and SpringBoot, providing operations pipeline, metric collection, module lifecycle management, multi-module runtime environment, and bean and service discovery and invocation capabilities.
KR1.5 Launch the development tool ArkCtl, featuring rapid development verification, flexible deployment (merge and independent deployment), and low-cost module decomposition and transformation capabilities.

KR2 Launch Operations and Scheduling 1.0 version. Achieve a success rate of 99.9% for end-to-end testing of the entire chain and a P90 end-to-end time of < 500ms

KR2.1 Launch open-source Operations and Scheduling capabilities based on K8S Operator, with at least publishing, rollback, offline, scaling in/out, replacement, replica maintenance, 2+ scheduling strategies, module flow control, deployment strategy, peer-to-peer and non-peer-to-peer operations capabilities.
KR2.2 Establish an open-source CI and 25+ high-frequency end-to-end test cases, continuously polish and promote end-to-end P90 time < 500ms, all pre-rehearsal success rate > 99.9%, and single test coverage rate reach line > 80%, branch > 60% (pass rate 100%).

KR3 Preliminary release of open-source auto-scaling. Modules have the ability for manual profiling and time-based scaling.


  • Aug 2023 Complete deployment feature verification for SOFABoot, and establish compatibility benchmark baseline.
  • Sep 2023 Release ModuleController 0.5 version of basic operations and scheduling system.
  • Sep 2023 Release Arkctl and Arklet 0.5 versions of development and operations tools.
  • Sep 2023 Launch official website and complete user manual.
  • Oct 2023 Onboard 2+ companies for real use.
  • Nov 2023 Support full capabilities of SpringBoot and 5+ commonly used middleware in the community.
  • Nov 2023 Release Koupleless 0.8 version (ModuleController, Arkctl, Arklet, SpringBoot compatibility).
  • Dec 2023 Release Koupleless 0.9 version (including basic auto-scaling, module basic decomposition tool, compatibility with 20+ middleware and third-party packages).
  • Dec 2023 Onboard 5+ companies for real use, with 10+ contributors participating.