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2. Quick Start

Koupleless Quick Start

    This quick start guide mainly introduces the dynamic merge deployment model, which is used to save resources and improve R&D efficiency. If you only want to save resources, you can use static merge deployment. This guide includes:

    1. Base Access
    2. Module Access
    3. Module Development Verification
    4. Module Deployment (not available yet, updates pending)

    Video tutorials are also available, click here to view.


    Development Tools

    • JDK 8, JDK 17, JDK 21+
    • Maven v3.9.0+
    • arkctl v0.2.1+, installation instructions can be found here

    Operation and Maintenance Tools (not required for static merge deployment)

    • Docker
    • Kubectl
    • K8s Cluster such as minikube v1.10+

    Base Access

    Refer to this link

    Module Access

    Refer to this link

    Local Environment Development Verification

    Check here

    Module Deployment Example with Minikube Cluster (not available yet, updates pending)

    Step 1: Deploy Operation and Maintenance Component ModuleController

    kubectl apply -f xxx/xxx.yaml  

    Step 2: Publish Using Sample Base

    1. Deploy the base to the K8s cluster, create a service for the base, exposing the port,
      you can reference here
    2. Execute minikube service base-web-single-host-service to access the base service
    Microservice Evolution Cost

    Step 3: Release the Module

    There are two ways to release a module:

    1. Directly deploy the local module jar package to the K8s cluster
    arkctl deploy ${path to the jar package} --pod ${namespace}/${podname}  
    1. Deploy and release via K8s module deployment
      Create a module deployment and use kubectl apply to publish
    kubectl apply -f xxx/xxxxx/xx.yaml  

    Step 4: Test Verification

    For More Experiments, Please View Sample Cases

    Click here