4.1.1 SpringBoot or SOFABoot Upgrade to Base
We can create Biz Module in three ways, and this article introduces the second one:
- Splitting a large application into multiple modules
- Transforming an existing application into a single module
- Directly creating a module using a scaffold
- Transform ordinary code fragments into a module
This article introduces the operation and verification steps of how to upgrade existing SpringBoot or SOFABoot to modules at a low cost. It only requires adding an ark packaging plugin and configuring module slimming to achieve the one-click upgrade of a regular application to a module application. With the same set of code branches, the application can be independently started like the original SpringBoot, and can also be merged and deployed together with other applications as a module.
- SpringBoot version >= 2.1.9.RELEASE (for SpringBoot users)
- SOFABoot version >= 3.9.0 or SOFABoot >= 4.0.0 (for SOFABoot users)
- Install maven version >= 3.9.0 locally
Note: SpringBoot version == 2.1.9.RELEASE, see Upgrade SpringBoot 2.1.9 to base
Access Steps
Code and Configuration Modifications
Modify application.properties
# Need to define the application name
spring.application.name = ${Replace with actual base app name}
Modify the main pom.xml
<!-- Place this as the first dependency in your build pom -->
<!-- If using Spring Boot web, add this dependency. For more details, see https://www.sofastack.tech/projects/sofa-boot/sofa-ark-multi-web-component-deploy/ -->
<!-- 为了让三方依赖和 koupleless 模式适配,需要引入以下构建插件 -->
Integration for Other Versions
Upgrade SpringBoot 2.1.9 to Base
After modifying the above configurations, additional modifications are required:
Modify main pom.xml
<!-- Place this as the first dependency in your pom -->
<!-- If using Spring Boot web, add this dependency. For more details, see https://www.sofastack.tech/projects/sofa-boot/sofa-ark-multi-web-component-deploy/ -->
<!-- 为了让三方依赖和 koupleless 模式适配,需要引入以下构建插件 -->
Modify base startup class
If version of koupleless is equals 1.1.0 or higher than 1.1.0, no need to change。
If version of koupleless is lower than 1.1.0, exclude the HealthAutoConfiguration class in the @SpringBootApplication annotation of the base Springboot startup class, as shown below:
import com.alipay.sofa.koupleless.arklet.springboot.starter.health.HealthAutoConfiguration;
@SpringBootApplication(exclude = { HealthAutoConfiguration.class })
public class BaseApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(BaseApplication.class, args);
Startup Verification
If the foundation application can start normally, the validation is successful!
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