4.3.9 Multiple Configurations for Modules

Why Use Multiple Configurations

In different scenarios, a module’s code may be deployed to different applications but require different configurations.

How to Use

Step 1: When packaging a module’s code for different scenarios, configure different bizName, such as biz1, biz2.

        <!-- Configure different bizName for different scenarios, such as biz1, biz2 -->
        <!-- ... Other properties -->

Step 2: In the resources directory of the module, add the following files, where config , biz1 and biz2 are folders:

  • config/biz1/application.properties
  • config/biz2/application.properties Step 3: Package two different ark-biz files with different bizName values (biz1, biz2):
  • biz1-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-ark-biz.jar
  • biz2-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-ark-biz.jar Step 4: Install the corresponding ark-biz module for different scenarios. When the module starts, it will read the configuration files based on the bizName value:
  • config/biz1/application.properties
  • config/biz2/application.properties


When the module starts, it reads the following files as property sources based on the module name and spring.profiles.active field:

  • config/${bizName}/application-${profile}.properties
  • config/${bizName}/application.properties If spring.profiles.active is not set, it reads the following file as the property source:
  • config/${bizName}/application.properties