4.3.12 Officially Supported Middleware Clients in Modules

Koupleless Module Officially Supported Middleware Clients

Compatibility Relationships Across Different Versions of the Framework

Users can choose to import the Koupleless version as needed, based on actual JDK and SpringBoot versions.

173.0.x, 3.1.x3.0.7 (不再更新)2.0.4(不再更新)
17 & 213.2.x and above3.1.x2.1.x

For Koupleless SDK latest versions, please refer to https://github.com/koupleless/runtime/releases

In Koupleless modules, the official support currently includes and is compatible with common middleware clients.
Note: Here, “already supported” needs to be included in the base POM by importing the relevant client dependencies (strongly recommended to use the SpringBoot Starter method to import the dependencies), and also in the module POM by importing the relevant dependencies and setting <scope>provided</scope> to delegate the dependencies to the base for loading.

Compatibility Report for Various Components

Middleware ClientVersionRemarks
Already Supported
SpringBoot>= 2.3.0 or 3.xAlready Supported
Base and module complete usage examples for JDK17 + SpringBoot3.x can be seen here
SpringBoot Cloud>= 2.7.xAlready Supported
Complete usage examples for base and modules can be seen here
SOFABoot>= 3.9.0 or 4.xAlready Supported
JMXN/AAlready Supported
Requires adding the -Dspring.jmx.default-domain=${spring.application.name} startup parameter to the base
log4j2AnyAlready Supported. Import log4j2 in the base and module, and additionally import the dependency:
  <version>${latest Koupleless version}</version>
  <scope>provided</scope> <!– Module needs provided –>
Complete usage examples for base and modules seen here
slf4j-api1.x and >= 1.7Already Supported
tomcat7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x
and above
Already Supported
Complete usage examples for base and modules seen here
netty4.xAlready Supported
Complete usage examples for base and modules seen here
sofarpc>= 5.8.6Already Supported
dubbo3.xAlready Supported
Complete usage examples and considerations for base and modules can be seen here
grpc1.x and >= 1.42Already Supported
Complete usage examples and considerations for base and modules can be seen here
protobuf-java3.x and >= 3.17Already Supported
Complete usage examples and considerations for base and modules can be seen here
apollo1.x and >= 1.6.0Already Supported
Complete usage examples and considerations for base and modules can be seen here
nacos2.1.xAlready Supported
Complete usage examples and considerations for base and modules can be seen here
kafka-client>= 2.8.0 or
>= 3.4.0
Already Supported
Complete usage examples for base and modules can be seen here
rocketmq4.x and >= 4.3.0Already Supported
Complete usage examples for base and modules can be seen here
jedis3.xAlready Supported
Complete usage examples for base and modules can be seen here
xxl-job2.x and >= 2.1.0Already Supported
Needs to be declared as a compile dependency for use in modules
mybatis>= 2.2.2 or
>= 3.5.12
Already Supported
Complete usage examples for base and modules can be seen here
druid1.xAlready Supported
Complete usage examples for base and modules can be seen here
mysql-connector-java8.xAlready Supported
Complete usage examples for base and modules can be seen here
postgresql42.x and >= 42.3.8Already Supported
mongodb4.6.1Already Supported
Complete usage examples for base and modules can be seen here
hibernate5.x and >= 5.6.15Already Supported
j2cacheAnyAlready Supported
Needs to be declared as a compile dependency for independent use in modules
opentracing0.x and >= 0.32.0Already Supported
elasticsearch7.x and >= 7.6.2Already Supported
jaspyt1.x and >= 1.9.3Already Supported
OKHttp-Already Supported
Needs to be placed in the base, please use module automatic slimming capability
io.kubernetes:client10.x and >= 10.0.0Already Supported
net.java.dev.jna5.x and >= 5.12.1Already Supported
prometheus-Support to be verified
skywalking-The official does not support multiple service_names for one process. Tracing isolation can only be achieved by having each module print logs to separate directories. Please refer to the logging samples

Compatibility Relationships among Framework Versions

Note: Users can choose Koupleless versions according to their actual JDK and SpringBoot versions.

173.0.x, 3.1.x3.0.x2.0.x
173.2.x and above3.1.x2.1.x