5.5 Module Information Retrieval

Koupleless Module Information Retrieval

View the names and statuses of all installed modules on a base instance

kubectl get module -n <namespace> -l koupleless.alipay.com/base-instance-ip=<pod-ip> -o custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,STATUS:.status.status


kubectl get module -n <namespace> -l koupleless.alipay.com/base-instance-name=<pod-name> -o custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,STATUS:.status.status

View detailed information of all installed modules on a base instance

kubectl describe module -n <namespace> -l koupleless.alipay.com/base-instance-ip=<pod-ip>


kubectl describe module -n <namespace> -l koupleless.alipay.com/base-instance-name=<pod-name>

Replace <pod-ip> with the IP of the base instance you want to view, <pod-name> with the name of the base instance you want to view, and <namespace> with the namespace of the resources you want to view.