·Framework & ServingKoupleless

Enable normal applications to enjoy Serverless experience at very low cost, helping companies reduce expenses and increase efficiency!


Koupleless is a modular application serverless technology that enables normal applications to evolve into a serverless development model at a very low cost. It allows for decoupling of code and resources, facilitating easy independent maintenance. At the same time, it supports capabilities like rapid build and deployment within seconds, combined deployment, and dynamic scaling to provide users with an ultimate development and operational experience. Ultimately, this helps companies achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement.


Benefits of Koupleless. Size of Koupleless

User Scenarios

大幅加速应用构建和发布:传统应用镜像化构建+发布速度很慢,通过模块化方式,应用单次构建+发布耗时可从 5 分钟级减少到 1 分钟。

实现 SDK 无感升级:借助 Koupleless 将应用依赖尽可能下沉到基座 (类似业务 Sidecar),可以实现 SDK 的无打扰升级。

极致裁剪长尾应用资源成本:通过 Koupleless 将多个应用合并部署在一起,可以实现大量的长尾应用服务器裁撤。

大幅提升应用研发协作效率:通过 Koupleless 将应用快速划分成多个模块 (代码包),且多个模块间可以同时迭代互不影响,进而大幅提升研发效率。



git aAccelerate App Build & DeploymentTraditional app builds and deployments using image andcontainer is very slow. By utilizing a modular approach,it takes for a single build and deployment of an app canbe reduced from the 5-minute range down to 1 minute.Transparent SDK UpgradesBy utilizing Koupleless to sink app dependencies as muchas possible into a base app (like a business sidecar),SDK upgrades can be achieved without disruption.Reduce Resources for Low-Traffic AppBy deploying multiple applications together throughKoupleless, a significant reduction of servers forlow-traffic applications can be achieved.Enhance Dev & Collaboration EfficiencyBy quickly dividing app into multiple modules (code pa-ckages) through Koupleless, and allowing these modulesto iterate simultaneously without affecting each other,development efficiency can be significantly enhanced.Accumulation of Business Code AssetsSupports low-cost sinking of common code into the baseapp and sprouting various lightweight functional moduleson top of it, thereby enabling rational organizational div-ision of labor and more efficient delivery of requirements.Reduce the Cost of Microservices EvolutionSupports low-cost switching between monolithic apps,multi-modules, and independent microservices apps,thereby easily keeping app architecture in sync withbusiness development in a timely manner.

Koupleless Benefits

Speed as you need: 十秒级构建与启动,应用多个功能之间独立并行迭代无阻塞。

Pay as you need: 模块粒度小,占用资源少,调度密度与资源复用率高。模块和基座支持自动弹性伸缩,按需部署。

Deploy as you need: 灵活部署:模块可合并部署也可独立部署。变更影响面小:一次部署只涉及模块自身代码变更和对应的机器变更。

Evolution as you need: 提供配套工具,传统应用能一键改造成模块,大应用能低成本拆分成模块,模块能轻松演进成微服务或者回到单体应用。

Advantages of Koupleless

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